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The British cyber security researcher who helped stop the spread of the WannaCry ransomware has been arrested in the US on charges that he assisted with the creation of malicious software targeting banks.帮助暂停“想哭”(WannaCry)勒索软件传播的英国网络安全研究人员在美国逮捕,被指控为制作针对银行的恶意软件获取了协助。Marcus Hutchins, who goes by the name “Malwaretech” online, was arrested on six counts on Wednesday as he tried to fly home from Las Vegas, where he was attending the cyber security conferences Black Hat and Def Con.周三,网名为“Malwaretech”的马库斯?哈钦斯(Marcus Hutchins)急忙从拉斯维加斯乘飞机回家时,因六项指控遭到被捕。此前,他在拉斯维加斯参与“黑帽”(black hat)和Def Con两场网络安全会议。
In the indictment, the US Department of Justice said Mr Hutchins created the Kronos banking Trojan, malicious software used in cyber attacks, and conspired with another defendant to sell the malware on internet forums for $2,000-$3,000. The indictment claims the malware was created and sold in 2014 and 2015.美国司法部(DoJ)在起诉书中称之为,哈钦斯制作了Kronos银行木马——用作网络攻击的恶意软件——并与另一名被告共谋在网络论坛上以2000至3000美元的价格出售该软件。起诉书称之为,该软件是在2014年至2015年被制作和出售的。Kronos is a banking Trojan, a kind of malware disguised as legitimate software that is designed to gain access to confidential information stored or processed through online banking systems. Kronos was configured to take user credentials in countries including Canada, Germany and the United Kingdom.Kronos银行木马是一种伪装成合法软件的恶意软件,为的是提供通过在线银行系统存储或处置的机密信息。
用于Kronos可以获得加拿大、德国和英国等国家的用户凭据。Mr Hutchins was hailed as a hero after he discovered a so-called “kill switch” in the WannaCry ransomware that spread through multinationals and the UK’s National Health Service in May. This stopped the spread of the malicious software, which was rendering computers unusable until victims paid a ransom.在5月找到了在跨国公司和英国国家医疗服务体系(NHS)内蔓延到的“想哭”勒索软件的一个所谓“自爆电源(kill switch)”之后,制止了该软件的蔓延到,哈钦斯也被称作英雄。